You Can’t Blow up a Social Relationship… But you can have fun trying!

July 7, 2015 / 0 comments

By Bob Black, 1992, AJODA #33 In 1979, four Australian anarchist and “libertarian socialist” organizations published a tract called You Can’t Blow Up a Social Relationship, presumptuously subtitled “The Anarchist Case Against Terrorism” — as if theirs was the only case against it and there was no case for it. The pamphlet has been reprinted…

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Transform and Rebel: The Calico Indians and the Anti-rent War

July 7, 2015 / 0 comments

By Thom Metzger, 1992, AJODA #33   Dear Reader, Think of this article as a preview of coming attractions excerpted from the upcoming Autonomedia anthology, “Gone to Croatan”; an excursion deep beyond the liminal vagaboundaries which mark the seriocomic unfolding of that theatre of survival/resistance/disappearance known as North American history. At a bookstore near you…

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The Sad Truth: Femme aux Bananes (Woman with Bananas)

July 7, 2015 / 0 comments

By Michael William, 1992, AJODA #33 A furor has erupted in the art and feminist milieus and in the Quebec and Canadian media after two paintings depicting women carrying fruit on their heads were censored in an exhibition sponsored by the Concordia University Women’s Centre. Originally the exhibition had been announced as “non-juried,” in other…

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Deconstructing the Columbus Myth

July 7, 2015 / 1 comment

By Ward Churchill, 1992, AJODA #33   Was the “Great Discoverer” Italian or Spanish, Nazi or Jew? It is perhaps fair to say that our story opens at Alfred University, where, during the fall of 1990, I served as distinguished scholar of American Indian Studies for a program funded by the National Endowment for the…

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Bicycles and Civilization

July 7, 2015 / 0 comments

By Michael William, 1992, AJODA #33 Before moving to Montreal in the ’70s I drove a car for about a year in Ontario, the province next door. In the areas I moved to close to downtown Montreal, I found that I could walk to most of the places I needed to reach on a regular…

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Seven Theses on Play

July 2, 2015 / 0 comments

By Paul Z. Simons, AJODA #23 Play is desire realized, it is the negation of domination. Play is unmediated activity that does not attempt to produce a specific emotion, indeed, any emotion at all. The result of play may be alternatively orgasm, terror, delight, even death. Play is ambivalent; any one of these conclusions or…

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